I know my child will not understand math, and neither will his friends’ but one thing is for sure, everybody will have some fun while learning.
Here is a little trick I gave to my two year old that very first time. He has not worked more than an hour at a time, and when he is in an unsure mood he falls asleep. This is one particular moment when music enters his life. If you know what his favorite song is or what his favorite artist is, play it for him before he falls asleep and sit reading and explaining the math to him. Then while he is doing that you can show he something in math like curl and such and so on.
After he slept and after he is awake you can show something. Show him a circle, tell him to detect the center and get the distance to the center and so on. Then tell him to mix all the sides of a circle (to one side of a square, for instance). Then he has to do a square. Another way to do it is to show him with two or four of a kind and ask how many can be of the same kind and ask him to do the sum. Then you play the song and the number is going to be the same amount.
These same songs and songs with a lot of math can be used for showing before he starts using his hands to work. As he starts to use his hands and he begins to get better at it you can do more and more math in small circles and set up visual song to teach him certain numbers of different groups in our little abacus.
If you want to make it more fun and you can use different colors for showing different numbers of colors or different particular hybrids of numbers you can write different songs. Make up different songs about math, and play them like you would play the guitar or guitar cords. Use your imagination or just speak the words and then play the really fun parts of the song with your voice and play along with your baby.
You can sing songs about ship, car, snow, by far the best songs I learned were songs about cars or airplanes. You can sing all math songs that are on the radio or the television, musical and other songs about things and your child will love you doing so.
Now when he asks for an MRI of the brain you will not be mad at him instead brag to him (even if you know they weren’t born yet), tell him what his brain will look like now that he is going to be learning math. And I am not even going to go on about how his nose or ears will be different, you are on a roll now that you have learned some tricks to get your little one loving his math. There are just so many wonderful ways to change the learning experience with your child so that they love it! You will be pleasantly surprised (or thrilled) that your child will learn.
Creating great learning possibilities for your children and their awareness of math at an early age is not a matter of learning to do math, although you need to do that too. Yes you must have math. The designer stuck the math in there. There are so many ways to show the math in your own children and your children love doing it! I can’t think of a more wonderful part of life to give to your children than being one of the best things on earth to teach them. You will so many, and you will learn often that the best way to have fun with your children is through modeling for them.
You have been a very kind and excellent parent and the world is beautiful and full of love. So be kind and protector and teach your children to be amazing people.